Traffic Book Publishing

Witham to launch new book – To A Budget


By The Drum Team, Editorial

September 1, 2010 | 2 min read

Scott Witham, founder and creative director of Glasgow-based Traffic Design Consultants is set to launch his fourth design book – Creating Great Graphic Design to a Budget.

The book aims to be both a cost-cutting primer and ideas sourcebook for creating top-of-the-line designs on razor-thin budgets.

Whitham said: "Design and marketing budgets are getting slashed across the board in every industry around the globe. At the same time customers are spending less, so both businesses and their marketing tools must work harder than ever. This leaves designers in the difficult position of trying to create eye-catching and memorable campaigns on budgets that are a fraction of what they once were.

"Great designs don’t need foil finishes and die-cuts to be effective and memorable, but in today’s high-gloss world designers must find innovative ways of connecting with their audience and standing out."

Witham has previously authored 'Print and Production Finishes for Promotional Items', 'Festive' and 'Touch This' for RotoVision and Rockport.

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